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About my love for older men

Sep 10

3 min read




### Breaking Stereotypes and Myths

I know there are stereotypes about women who are attracted to older men—things like "daddy issues" or "looking for a sugar daddy"—but that’s not my story, and it's not the story of many others like me. Society often loves to put people in neat little boxes, to explain away what doesn’t fit into the norm. The truth is, my attraction to older men isn’t about filling a void or seeking out financial security. It’s about who I connect with on a deeper, more meaningful level.

I’ve dated younger men, guys my age, and older men, and what I’ve found is that I simply connect better with the older ones. It’s not about wanting someone to take care of me or being after their money. If anything, those assumptions reduce the complexity of human relationships to a single, superficial narrative. My attraction is rooted in the qualities and characteristics that often come with age—maturity, wisdom, and a sense of stability—not in some contrived psychological deficit or material desire.

There’s this idea that women like me are either looking for a father figure or have some unresolved emotional baggage, and I think that’s not only unfair but also incredibly reductive. The concept of "daddy issues" is thrown around far too casually, as if every woman who prefers older men has a psychological problem. This kind of thinking doesn’t allow room for the simple truth that different people have different preferences.

The same goes for the "sugar daddy" stereotype. The assumption that women are after older men purely for financial gain overlooks the reality that many women are fully capable of providing for themselves. It's entirely possible to be financially independent and still be drawn to older men. Attraction is nuanced, and it’s shaped by a myriad of factors—personality, chemistry, emotional connection—not just what's in someone's wallet.

### It’s About Chemistry, Not Age

My preference for older men is much like how some people might prefer blue eyes over brown or a tall partner over a shorter one—it’s simply a preference. It doesn’t mean there’s something inherently wrong or broken inside me. Everyone is attracted to different traits, and for me, those traits are more often found in men who have a few more years under their belts.

I think it’s important to recognize that relationships come in all shapes and sizes, and they don’t always adhere to society’s expectations. Why should love or attraction be confined to a narrow definition? We don’t question why some people are drawn to athletic types or intellectual types, so why should it be any different when someone is drawn to a partner who is older? My attraction to older men is not a reflection of some underlying issue or hidden agenda; it’s a genuine preference based on the experiences I’ve had and the qualities I value in a partner.

### Embracing Authentic Connection

What I’ve found in dating older men is a level of understanding, respect, and authenticity that I’ve sometimes struggled to find in younger men or men my own age. It's not that there aren’t mature young men out there, but there’s a certain depth that often comes with age—a depth I find incredibly attractive. Older men have often lived through a lot, experienced life in all its ups and downs, and come out of it with a sense of who they are. They’re often more grounded, less concerned with the superficial, and more focused on genuine connection.

For me, it’s not about chasing an age but about finding that person who resonates with me on a deeper level. If that person happens to have a few grey hairs or a face that’s weathered with time, so be it. I’m not looking for a fairytale or a fantasy. I’m looking for real connection, genuine companionship, and a partner who can challenge me to grow and evolve.

### Letting Go of Judgements

So, if you're someone who doesn’t quite understand my attraction to older men, that's okay. I get it—it’s not the norm, and it may not be for everyone. But I think it’s important to let go of judgments and embrace the idea that love and attraction don’t have to fit into a pre-defined box. What’s right for one person might not be right for another, and that’s the beauty of diversity in human relationships.

Sep 10

3 min read




Comments (156)

12 hr. ago


1 day ago

Gonna make a new account on insta..because mail doesn't work well GOBEL


1 day ago

Hey lovely Britt gobel here.. did you get the info? Take care


2 days ago

I appreciate your honesty!


2 days ago

Id love to chat to you


2 days ago

I am 49 if your interested


2 days ago

Just turned 67 young! I’ve got 30 more years (God willing) to fulfill my destiny and leave any legacy behind before my time is spent! With your help we can build a family of children and grandchildren over my last 30 years on this planet!


3 days ago

Very well written. I would love to be with a highly intelligent, beautiful younger lady like you.


3 days ago

Put yourself in my shoes.Its not easy being called a cradle robber or even a pervert. It's just that I like a woman that attracts me with a firm body.You are correct in saying it's a pference instead of a stereotype.God bless you and to anyone that says you have no intelligence, I say bah humbug.Take care dear .


4 days ago

have been with women 1 third my age for a decade. all happy campers. :) me too.

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